'Leg swelling| Pregnancy tips| Tamil & eng des|என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்?5 tips u must know!!in description'

'Leg swelling| Pregnancy tips| Tamil & eng des|என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்?5 tips u must know!!in description'
02:47 Dec 5, 2021
'Why does leg swell during pregnancy? கால் ஏன் வீங்குகிறது? Can we have Barley water? Barley தண்ணீர் குடிக்கலாமா 5 Tips to avoid  reduce leg swelling in PREGNANCY 1. Drink adequate fluids 2. walk and exercise 3. keep your legs high 4. Sleep on your left 5. High protein diet     Explanation, what to do, remedy  Dr. ABI ANAND, MD(OG) DNB (OG) FMAS FELLOWSHIP IN INFERTILITY  Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with 11 years experience, Infertility specialist advises on pregnancy, childbirth, pre-pregnancy counseling, planning pregnancy, diet in pregnancy, diet for infertility, weight loss, diabetes, hypertension in pregnancy , pregnancy care, newborn care, breastfeeding, post delivery weight loss, mood disorders, postpartum depression,pregnancy exercises, Infertility diet and exercise, scans in pregnancy, tests in pregnancy, foetal movement monitoring at home, home BP monitoring, alarming signs in pregnancy, normal delivery, cesarean, scar,ectopic pregnancy, urinary infection, women\'s health, women\'s sexual problems, vaginal hygiene,infections,menstrual hygiene, menstrual cramps,menstrual irregularities,heavy periods,pain, PCOD, PCOD diet, PCOD exercises, PCOD weight management, PCOD home remedies,lifestyle modifications, prevention of GYNAEC cancers,menopause, IUI ,IVF, infertility treatments,women\'s cancer screening,PAP smear  TO know more and queries, consultation  write in our Facebook page https://m.facebook.com/drabianand know about in further videos #pregnancy tips #pregnancy check ups #pregnancy scan #corona pregnancy #lockdown pregnancy hospital visit #when should I meet gynaecologist #what to do in pregnancy #BP in pregnancy #blood tests in pregnancy #gynaecologist in pregnancy #pregnancy tips in Tamil #pregnancy care in Tamil #pregnamcy test #how to manage pregnancy #care in pregnancy # baby movements #what should I eat in pregnancy #pregnancy diet #weight in pregnancy #delivery #how do I manage pregnancy in lockdown #pregnancy advice #is my baby safe #how to feel baby movements #when should I visit doctor in pregnancy #blood tests in pregnancy #important questions in pregnancy #doubts in pregnancy #food in pregnancy #pregnancy awareness #pregnancy test #tamil pregnancy #tamil doctor #mother #foetus #uterus growth #fluid level in pregnancy #கர்ப்பிணிகள்  #protect pregnant women from corona' 

Tags: remedy , pregnancy care , pregnancy tips , home cure , legswelling , leg swelling Tamil , leg swelling in pregnancy

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